Chapter 2. A Taste of C#

Table of Contents

1. Syntax and Semantics
2. A First Program
3. Processing Data
4. Input and Output
5. Handling Errors

PROGRAMMING IS A LOT OF FUN. Writing software is an act of creativity, and is an expression of the abilities given to us by our Creator. God created us in His own image, and our ability to program is a reflection of His own creative powers.

Learning to program can be fun, too, but it requires you to keep track of a lot of details. To some extent, the amount of detail you have to keep track of is determined by the language you use. This book teaches programming using the C# language. C# strikes a good balance between power and simplicity, but for beginners, the amount of detail you have to manage may seem overwhelming. In this chapter, I will try to get you started writing programs without overwhelming you with all of the detail.

Before we get started, you should know that this chapter introduces a lot of new terms. Every discipline has its own specialized vocabulary, and one of the first things you have to do when you encounter a new discipline is to learn the vocabulary. I encourage you to read this chapter with pen and paper in hand. As you encounter an unfamiliar term, take a moment to jot down the term and its definition.